mercredi 7 février 2018

February Painting Challenge - Day 7

Voici une de mes petites nièces, enfin, pas si petite, elle grandit à vue d'oeil. Fait avec un gros crayon Derwent  terracota.

Here is one of my little niece growing and growing all the time. Drawn with a Derwent crayon terracota color. 

6 commentaires:

Sandi a dit…

Great capture!

martine paquet a dit…

Un beau portrait !

Jeanette Levellie a dit…

You are very talented! Our son is an artist, as was my grandmother. Art is a way for us to touch the very heart of God.
Thank you,

Helen H Trachy a dit…

Thanks Sandi!

Helen H Trachy a dit…

Merci Martine. Bonne journée!

Helen H Trachy a dit…

Thanks Jeannette, very happy to meet you. 😊