vendredi 27 septembre 2013

Dried flowers - Day 27

C'est la fin de l'été, même si nous avons de vraies belles journées cette semaine.  Des 20 et des 23 degrés Celsius.  Superbe!  Cependant, il faut penser à faire sécher certaines fleurs avant de les transformer en bouquets.

It's the end of summer, even if we still have beautiful warm days this week.  20 and 23 degrees Celcius. Great weather!  But it's time to start drying some flowers for future bouquets.

12 commentaires:

Autumn Leaves a dit…

Beautiful autumn colors! And such a lovely bouquet, Helen!

Helen H Trachy a dit…

Thanks Sherry! Hope you're having a fine time this weekend and relax from your hectic week. Hugs

Margarita a dit…

L'automne nous envahit comme un voleur: silencieusement... Comme dans ton aquarelle où les couleurs automnales, en fait, sont déjà présentes... Et ton défi presqu'arrive à sa fin... Bravo, ma chère Helen!


Helen H Trachy a dit…

Margarita, j'avoue que je commence à être essouflée! :)

hmuxo a dit…

Beautiful bouquet Helen...I love the wonderful Fall colors...Have a nice weekend!!!

Celia Blanco a dit…

This bouquet is perfect for fall, I love the warm pallete!

Sheila a dit…

Such wonderful work you have done this month! These are so gorgeous!

Helen H Trachy a dit…

Thanks Hilda, you too have a great time.

Helen H Trachy a dit…

Thanks Celia! That's one of the nice things about fall, the beautiful warm colors. Happy painting!

Helen H Trachy a dit…

Sheila, thanks for your visit. Much appreciated.

Maga Fabler a dit…

In Poland we have a typical autumn already - colorful, sunny but rather cool. You use lovely autumn colors in this painting, Helen.

Helen H Trachy a dit…

Maga, I'm glad you like automn. It's a beautiful season, isn't it, and a great time to walk amidst all these colors. Have a nice Sunday!