lundi 20 janvier 2014

A bouquet - Day 20


Un bouquet , histoire de jouer un peu dans les fleurs, et c'est moins dispendieux qu'aller chez le fleuriste.  

How about painting a small bouquet!  It's less expansive than visiting the florist.

14 commentaires:

Debbie Nolan a dit…

Helen - these flowers are so beautiful. I think the peachy orange tones in the background just add perfectly to that beautiful blue vase. Thanks for sharing. Hope you are having a great day.

Helen H Trachy a dit…

Thanks Debbie! I'm just glad the day is over and I found some time to do this painting :)

Linda Roth a dit…

Beautiful bouquet! The warm colors must have been delightful to paint these bitterly cold days. The painting warms me up just looking at it. Great color combination.

Celia Blanco a dit…

Beautiful! I would love a bouquet like this one!

Autumn Leaves a dit…

Great job, Helen! Love the uplighting too.

Helen H Trachy a dit…

Thanks Linda! Isn't it great to be able to create our own ambiance depending on the subject and our mood! Take care.

Helen H Trachy a dit…

Hi Celia! Good day to you. xx

Helen H Trachy a dit…

Thanks Sherry! Pick up a flower and have a happy day! :)

Jane a dit…

I love this bouquet of flowers , look like Hydrangeas ( ?) , the color is warm and really beautiful, and Hydrangeas are one of my all time favorites ! You are really doing a great job.

myra anderson a dit…

they're beautiful!

Helen H Trachy a dit…

Thanks for being so supportive Jane! xx

Helen H Trachy a dit…

Hi Myra, thanks and good luck to you! :)

cath carbone a dit…

C'est un bouquet magnifiquement garni , superbes couleurs pastelles, j'aime ces couleurs douces !
Bonne fin de semaine.
Gros bisous, Helen.

Helen H Trachy a dit…

Merci Cath! J'adore composer des bouquets, mais ils se terminent rarement comme prévu au départ. Alors, il faut en refaire un autre et un autre...:)Bisous ma belle.