jeudi 23 janvier 2014

Bouquet for a Yellow Vase - Day 23


Quand je ne sais plus quoi peindre, je retrouve toujours les fleurs avec plaisir.  Il me semble qu'il y en a une quantité infinie à peindre.  Voici quelques pétunias et des nigelles dans un tout nouveau  pot jaune. Il risque d'y  avoir d'autres fleurs d'ici la fin du mois!

When I have no idea what to paint, I'm  always glad to come back to flowers.  I feel there is an endless list I can paint. So, I bet there will be more before the month is over! These are a few petunias with some blue nigellas in a  new yellow vase.


18 commentaires:

Margarita a dit…

A une semaine environ de finir le défi! j'admire comment tu es capable de trouver chaque jour, malgré les empêchements ou le manque d'inspiration, des thèmes à peindre... Et comme tu dis les fleurs semblent avoir des nouvelles pour nous sauver...Celles-ci de là-haut ont cette ambiance doré que j'aime bien!

Gros bisous:)

Helen H Trachy a dit…

C'est très gentil Margarita et j'avoue avoir hâte à la fin du mois. Je crois que je vais prendre une petite vacance...:)

Lorraine Brown a dit…

Love your yellow Vase Helen, I love flowers at anytime to paint so fully understand

Jane a dit…

I love the boldness of the colors here, very striking painting . When I don't know what to paint I do like are always a good subject :-)

Celia Blanco a dit…

I love the color combinations! It cheers up my rainy day! Sending a warm hug your way!

Judy a dit…

Flowers are always a good choice. The colours of the flowers and the vase are beautiful together!

Autumn Leaves a dit…

Oh your colors are always so brilliant, Helen. You can see your passion for life in your work.

Unknown a dit…

That's interesting to know an artist's most comfortable subject to paint. The one thing that we feel the deepest connection to, like family to us. I can see how you love flowers in the way you painted this with such joy and expression. Very beautifully done!

Debbie Nolan a dit…

Dear Helen - your flowers are such a lovely choice. I knew immediately that the blue were Nigella...they grow in my garden and are so lovely. Their seed heads are wonderful to dry too. Hope you are having a great week-end. As always I so enjoyed my visit.

Helen H Trachy a dit…

Hi Lorraine! I agree yellow is just the right color to brighten up any day. Thanks!

Helen H Trachy a dit…

Jane , I can't think what we would we do without flowers to paint!!! Hugs

Helen H Trachy a dit…

Thanks Celia! A bit too flashy maybe but I needed a lot of colors. :)

Helen H Trachy a dit…

Thanks Judy! You must be a real colorful person yourself! :)

weekend et coup de brosse a dit…

Une superbe lumière apparaît dans ta peinture..c'est superbe!

Helen H Trachy a dit…

Merci de ton commentaire Cath! xx

Helen H Trachy a dit…


Helen H Trachy a dit…

Thanks Katherine, I'm happy you took the time to comment.

Helen H Trachy a dit…

Thanks Debbie! Hope you have a very good week!