Voici une des toiles que j'exposerai la semaine prochaine, lors de notre Exposition printanière qui aura lieu au Centre Culturel de la Ville de Beloeil! Un événement a ne pas manquer et qui permet a tous les membres de notre Atelier de montrer le travail qu ils font.
Here`s a painting I'll be exhibiting next week at our City's Cultural Center! A spring event where all the members of our Atelier can show the work they have done!
10 commentaires:
A beautiful landscape , and your eyes are immediately drawn to the sweet and joyful duck in the foreground. The light is amazing too , wish you lots of luck with the exhibition ! xx
Hi Jane, thanks and have a wonderful week!
Oh Helen this is so beautiful. I love the near compliments of lavender and green you used with just the right touch of orange in the ducks. I am sure the exhibit will be outstanding. Wish I could be there. Have a great day dear. Hugs
Thanks Debbie, I was not sure about this painting! Is it complete or does it need more work, sometimes I just don t know ! Bye for now
Je te souhaite beaucoup de succès pour cette belle expo, chère Helen.
Gros bisous !
Merci Olivier! Bisous
Congratulations on the painting and exhibit, Helen! I love the colors and the ducks are adorable! Hugs
Thanks Celia! Have a good weekend! Bisous
Dag Helen, dit werk is voor mij al een winnaar hoor.Veel succes !
Het geeft me een mooi lentegevoel.
groetjes van Simonne
Merci Simonne c<est tres gentil! Le printemps tarde a arriver ici, on a encore de la neige qui tombe. Un jour, il fera plus chaud...j espere! Gros bisous Simonne
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