mercredi 27 janvier 2016

Day 27 - A thank you rose


Une simple rose aujourd'hui pour vous remercier de tous les encouragements reçus durant le mois de Janvier.

A simple rose today to thank you all for your support during the month of January.

11 commentaires:

martinealison a dit…

Bonjour chère Helen,

Merci pour cette belle rose !... Je te souhaite une belle journée

Gros bisous

Sue Marrazzo Fine Art a dit…

A Charming work!

Helen H Trachy a dit…

Merci Martine, une belle journée à toi aussi! Bisous

Helen H Trachy a dit…

Hi Sue, thanks! Have a lovely ending to thos " marathon "! :)

Celia Blanco a dit…

I stopped at day 22, I blink and miss five days of beautiful floral paintings! Each a gem, I love your rose! Hugs!

Simonne's fantasiestudio a dit…

Prachtid en heel decoratief Helen.
groetjes van Simonne

Helen H Trachy a dit…

Thanks Celia! It's a real stampede this painting challenge, I can hardly keep up myself! :) Happy painting Celia.

Helen H Trachy a dit…

Merci pour tes encouragements Simonne, Gros bisous

Deborah Nolan a dit…

Oh Helen thank you for sharing all your lovely work including this Thank You Rose. Hugs!

Helen H Trachy a dit…

Deborah, I just wish I could send one to each and everyone of you for accompanying me through this challenge! Now, will I remember the rush and stress( yes at times there was some, I must admit) next time an event like this comes along? That is the question. LOL

cath carbone a dit…

Des roses pertinents en couleurs et en formes !