mardi 5 janvier 2016

Day 5 - Happy

J'aime beaucoup les chapeaux malgré que je n'en porte pas souvent.  Les anciens chapeaux surtout, cloche et compagnie.  Ici, cette jeune femme aux yeux verts m'a l'air bien contente.  Ce doit être une  belle journée!

I've always liked hats, even if I don't wear them very often. Specially the old models.  Here this young woman looks pretty happy.  It must be a lovely day.

4 commentaires: a dit…

I cannot wear hats because I look like a real dork in them but I love to see paintings of them and love this one.
Just paint just a suggestion of the hat is clever. Adds a lot of interest to the painting.
Have a great day!

Andersson Blue Design a dit…

Wonderful portraits! I find it's very effective training to do several in a row for learning. I think in portraits there is so much to learn, every face is so special.

Chris Lally a dit…

It's good to see women wearing hats again.

Love your purple repeats, Helen! Beautiful painting!

weekend et coup de brosse a dit…

Superbe portrait dont les yeux en font le coeur car on y voit la vie du personnage, bravo !