lundi 19 septembre 2016

Day 19 - A Yellow vase

Leslie Saeta's September Challenge
9 1/2  X  13 1/2  INCHES
I felt the need for some yellow while painting this bouquet.  Did I say already that  I am crazy about vases, pots and flower's containers of all kinds?  I am .  But the fun here is to invent my own vase in the shape, style and color I fancy right now. Now,  this is one of the many reasons I like to paint.  :)

Je voulais absolument quelque chose de jaune alors que je peignais ce bouquet. Ais-je déjà dit que j'aime beaucoup les pots , vases et tout ce qui s'appelle contenants à  fleurs? Le plaisir ici est d'inventer un vase à mon goût avec la forme , le style et la couleur  qui me plaît.  C'est une des nombreuses raisons pour quoi j'aime peindre!  :)

10 commentaires:

Simonne's fantasiestudio a dit…

Helen, deze is mijn favoriet hoor,heel mooi geschilderd !
ik wens je nog veel succes met je mooie uitdagingen...
groetjes van Simonne

Carol Blackburn a dit…

Very beautiful, Helen. And those look like Peonies to me (not an easy flower to paint). Enjoy your day.

martine paquet a dit…

Tellement belle, tes pivoines Helen! J'aime beaucoup ta gestuelle ;-)

Helen H Trachy a dit…

I'm so glad you like them , it' s a beautiful sight In the garden when these flower all at once. Happy day to you Simonne!

Helen H Trachy a dit…

You're right Carol,these are peonies! I've never painted flowers so fast In all my life . maybe that's way they really look like peonies and not just any other flower. Thanks for your support, my friendster, hugs

Helen H Trachy a dit…

Merci Martine, bonne 3e période. C'est à ce moment-ci qu'on ressent le besoin de recharger notre batterie. Bonne inspiration , bisous

Jane a dit…

Being crazy about everything pottery is a passion we share :-) Wonderful peonies, immediately recognizable , perfect soft color of the flowers ! Hugs.

Helen H Trachy a dit…

Hi Jane, yes i remembrer from your blog how you like them too. Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment ,hugs

SMV a dit…

Wow, Helen, this is so beautifully painted. You're enjoying this, aren't you?!

Helen H Trachy a dit…

Definitely Sharon! I felt a good liberty of movements during the whole time I was painting. I just hope it could always be like this. :)