jeudi 7 septembre 2017

Septembre - Jour 7

Quelques zinnias que j'ai ramassés au jardin!  Il en reste encore , c'est surprenant. C'est une fleur qui égaie les plates-bandes jusqu'à  tard en saison.

A few giant zinnias picked from the garden!  I'm surprised because there are still some left. It's a splendid flower blooming all summer long.

12 commentaires:

Carol Blackburn a dit…

Zinnias are lovely and hardy flowers. Yours are beautiful, Helen. Unfortunately, mine did not come up this year for whatever reason. I remember the day my little grandson came home with one for me they planted in a paper cup in school so they could watch them grow. He loved saying the word "zinnias."
Enjoy your day!

Jane a dit…

Quite striking, love the red bold color of the flowers and the transparency of the vase.

martine paquet a dit…

Très joli bouquet, Helen!

SueLC a dit…

Beautiful painting! (I planted my zinnias late but I'm hopeful they'll bloom in the fall.)

Judy a dit…

Gorgeous flowers, and beautiful painting!

Debbie Nolan a dit…

Wow these zinnias are stunning Helen as well as all your previous paintings during September's challenge. I love the addition of the ink...not too much but just the right amount. Hope that new little package has arrived safely...boy or girl?? Take care and have a great week. Hugs!

Chris Lally a dit…

Gorgeous, Helen. Beautiful reds!!
Love your lost edges at the bottom of the vase!

Helen H Trachy a dit…

Thanks my friends for your amazing comments, so nice of you tho take the time. Have a beautiful weekend!

Bisous ma chère Martine!

Simonne's fantasiestudio a dit…

Je bloemen zijn fantastisch Helen !!

Helen H Trachy a dit…

Hi Simonne, thanks! 🦋

Sue Marrazzo Fine Art a dit…


Helen H Trachy a dit…

Thanks Sue, nice of you to visit!