lundi 28 juillet 2014

Sweet irises and mid-summer in the garden


Voici ma dernière aquarelle, une petite carte avec des iris.  Je l'ai peinte cette après-midi,  alors qu'il pleuvait des cordes.  J'ai ajouté quelques photos du jardin prises hier matin . SVP soyez à l'aise d'utiliser ces photos si elles vous plaIsent!

Here's my latest waterpainting, a small card with irises! Done this afternoon while buckets of rain were pouring outside.  I've added a few pictures of the garden taken yesterday morning.  Please feel free to use any pic you like!






25 commentaires:

martine paquet a dit…

Qu'elle est belle cette petite aquarelle, Helen !
L'antidote parfait pour cette journée pluvieuse et venteuse

Helen H Trachy a dit…

Merci Martine! C'est vrai, il fait aussi beau chez toi! :)

Celia Blanco a dit…

Helen, your watercolor is just lovely! It is no wonder to me you are so influenced by color with all the beauties you have in your garden. Thank you for sharing them and brightening my day!xx

Autumn Leaves a dit…

Absolutely lovely painting of beautiful irises, Helen! I also love the photos, especially the morning glory. I may paint that one one of these days!

Helen H Trachy a dit…

Hi Celia! I'm more busy these days in the garden but I need to find some time to paint also. You're right, it's full of good subjects. Thanks, have a beautiful day!

Helen H Trachy a dit…

Thanks Sherry! Go right ahead and use what you like. Hope you're doing good these days. Hugs

Debbie Nolan a dit…

Dear Helen - just beautiful card. Your irises are just dreamy. Love them. As for your garden it is beautiful - are the yellow flowers coreopsis? I don't grow them but think they grow here...have "love in a mist" or nigella blooming in my garden now too. Take care and enjoy each lovely day.

les peintures de Viviane a dit…

Malgré le temps pluvieux, ou peut être à cause de cela, tu a su illuminer cette aquarelle. Je vois que tu n'as que l'embarras du choix et simplement à t'installer au milieu des fleurs de ton jardin pour trouver ton sujet. A bientôt, Viviane

cathyswatercolors a dit…

beautiful painting and garden!

Helen H Trachy a dit…

Hi Debbie! Thanks , I believe you're right. The yellow flowers look a lot like coreopsis. Beautiful and resistant flowers. Have a good rest my friend. Hugs

Helen H Trachy a dit…

Merci de ton joli mot Vivianne. Bien contente de te retrouver sur ton blog. Bisous

Helen H Trachy a dit…

Hi Cathy, thanks. These flowers were a joy to paint. Not always so easy though. :)

Judy a dit…

Beautiful irises, Helen! Your garden is very inspiring!

Helen H Trachy a dit…

Thanks Judy! I was wondering where you get all your ideas from!

Anonyme a dit…

Superbe tes iris Helen. Un vent de fraicheur m'anime quand je vois les brillantes couleurs et la fluidité du mouvement. Félicitations.


Rita Vaselli a dit…

What a beautiful summer garden and how much inspiration to paint so vibrant flowers, like your wonderful Iris, throughout the year.

Helen H Trachy a dit…

Quelle belle surprise Daniel! J'espère que tu vas bien. xx

Helen H Trachy a dit…

Hi Rita! Thanks, this summer in particular, I'm pleased with the garden. I only had to water it once this season. Ciao

Mrs A a dit…

You left a comment on my blog and I've come visiting...I love your irises and the flowers you have painted and I'm enjoying your beautiful garden too. I'm glad to have found a new blogging friend! Xx

Helen H Trachy a dit…

Hi Mrs A! Very happy too, see you soon! :)

hmuxo a dit…

These flowers are painted beautifully, Helen. How wonderful that you have all the reference pictures for this painting right in your beautiful garden!!!

weekend et coup de brosse a dit…

Couleurs subtiles pour cette jolie aquarelle! Magnifique ton jardin, l'inspiration s'y trouve !

Helen H Trachy a dit…

Hi Hilda! Of course it helps and sometimes internet pics also! Enjoy your weekend!

Helen H Trachy a dit…

Salutations Cath! Gros bisous :)

cath carbone a dit…

Un petit bonjour en passant et te dire très bon week-end!
Have a nice Sunday-
Bisous- Cath.