mardi 25 septembre 2018

Jpur 25 - 30 Paintings in 30 Days

10 X 10 INCHES
C'est la saison des pommes dans notre région et les étals regorgent de toutes sortes de fruits de toutes les catégories. Vraiment une periode  d'abondance!

30 Paintings in 30 Days - Leslie Saeta's September Challenge

It's appletime around here and you can find all sorts of varieties of those fruits. Really a period when nature  is plenty generous..

5 commentaires:

Carol Blackburn a dit…

Hi Helen, it is apple-picking season here in Maine as well. You have to be careful if you sit under an apple tree at this time of year.......unless you are just reaping what fall in your lap. Lovely picture!

Chris Lally a dit…

Helen, what a beautiful painting! And I think I can smell that apple pie:}

Helen H Trachy a dit…

Hi Carol, I’m curious to know what kind of apples you grow in Maine. Probably the same as us, McIntosh, Lobo, Cortland and so on.Hugs

Helen H Trachy a dit…

Hi Chris, I would so love to offer you a slice or two....Take care my dear!

Festészetem tükrében a dit…

Ils le font, c'était génial! Il offre presque la pomme elle-même.