mercredi 21 janvier 2015

The chalet - DAY 20

J'aurais bien aimé avoir un chalet.  Il me semble que j'aurais passé beaucoup de temps dans la nature, autant l'été que l'hiver.  Mais,  je n'ai pas le droit de me plaindre, il y a une belle montagne avec plein d'arbres et de sentiers tout près. 

I woiuld have loved owning a chalet.  I think I woul have spend a lot of time outside in the woods, as much in summer as in winter.  But I can't complain, there's a beautiful mountain nearby with lots of trees and picturesque trails.

6 commentaires:

Jeanmi a dit…

Un chalet oui, mais dans les Caraïbes...

Celia Blanco a dit…

Lovely spot, it would be beautiful to be able to spend some quite time here! xx

Helen H Trachy a dit…

Oui, oui, Jeanmi! Bonne idée, j'acccepte. :)

Helen H Trachy a dit…

Celia, I would gladly invite you. ;)

Jane a dit…

Looks like a very nice place to spend some time , peaceful and with great colors.

Helen H Trachy a dit…

Thanks Jane! Please keep up the good work. I love what you've been doing lately. Hugs