lundi 8 septembre 2014

Day 8 - Feathers of a kind


-    A sketch inspired  from a wonderful painting of Giovanni Boldini, " Woman with a black hat "!  Well, I'm just the cat here, the poor photographer, but wasn't the theme of the month something like " Birds and flowers ".  Ho I see,  there are  bird's feathers right on top.  Mmm...Now if you want to see real flowers, take a peek at Maggie Ruley's blog.  You're in for a lot of colorful surprises!

-   Un sketch préparé à partir d'une magnifique peinture de Giovanni Boldini, " La femme au chapeau noir "!  Je ne suis qu'un pauvre chat, photographe de surcroît, mais le thème du mois n'était pas " Oiseaux et fleurs."  Ho d'accord, je vois!  Il y a des  plumes d'oiseaux sur le chapeau.  Mmm... Si vous voulez voir de vraies fleurs, regardez le blog de Maggie Ruley . Vous serz agréablement surpris par tout ce qui vous attend!


11 commentaires:

Autumn Leaves a dit…

Hi Helen! I thought I had your blog on my roll but when I changed the blog address, I lost them all. I pulled one with the same name as your blog but it was in English and not French. All this time I thought I had you and you just hadn't been posting in awhile! I see I was wrong. Mais non! But I found you again and looked at all I've missed. I love it all, especially the Victorian feel to this piece and the yellow flowers are wonderful!

Helen H Trachy a dit…

So nice to hear from you Sherry! Thanks for finding me...and dropping by. :) Have a beautiful day!

Debbie Nolan a dit…

Helen - what a great sketch. I can see your feline is keeping us up to date on all your fine art. Enjoyed seeing Maggie's flowers as well. Thank you for the link. Hope you have a lovely week my dear friend.

Helen H Trachy a dit…

Hi Debbie! As you can see Gizmo is quite busy. Me too! It's the end of summer and absolutely time to put all summer stuff away. But I don't mind, I love fall with its colors and cool weather coming. Great time to make big soups and stews. Big hugs dear Debbie.

myra anderson a dit…

hi helen I love your drawing!

Jane a dit…

A great portrait of a real lady , now I'll go and check Maggie's flowers :-)

Helen H Trachy a dit…

Hi Myra, thanks! :)

Helen H Trachy a dit…

Thanks Jane! Have a nice visit at Maggie's place. She's quite productive! :)

Chris Lally a dit…

I love your confident drawing. Just beautiful, Helen!

Helen H Trachy a dit…

Hi Chris! Nice of you to visit. Happy painting! :)

Simone Ritter a dit…

Love your watercolours- so light and airy! You are very talented! Happy Painting!